Embark on a transformative journey

to healing and self-discovery

– with Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Welcome to my practice

I’m Vanessa and I’m truly delighted that you have found me. QHHT®, or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, is a unique approach to healing that combines the wisdom of past-life regression with the transformative power of hypnosis. Through gentle guidance and deep relaxation, QHHT® allows individuals to access their subconscious mind, uncovering hidden truths, resolving inner conflicts, and facilitating profound healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. 

My practice is located near Labin in Istria, a picturesque medieval town on the Rabac Riviera with scenic views of the Adriatic Sea. Embarking on a journey to Istria is not just a physical trip; it’s a soulful journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. Surrounded by the serene beauty of Istria’s landscapes, you’ll find the perfect environment to embark on your journey toward healing, self-awareness, and a deeper connection to the universal wisdom that resides within each of us.

What is QHHT®

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, was created by Dolores Cannon nearly 50 years ago when she began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation. 

QHHT® is designed to help people understand and work through the root origins of trauma in this life as well as in past lives; it is a unique opportunity to more fully connect with higher aspects of yourself that allows for profound and transformative healing. You can learn more about Dolores Cannon and QHHT® on the QHHT official website.

People come for a QHHT® session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They come with a desire to make their life better. Some clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and more importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.

Who I work with

I usually work with people aged 18 and over. It is important to consider the individual’s ability to understand and participate in the process effectively. QHHT® sessions involve deep relaxation and guided visualization, which may require a certain level of maturity and cognitive ability to fully engage with the experience.

However, if you are interested in a session for your child, we can arrange a surrogate session. Surrogate sessions provide a gentle means to communicate with the child’s higher self, offering insight, comfort, and – if appropriate – healing to the children and their caregivers.

While QHHT® is suitable for most people, it may not be recommended for those with severe mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or severe depression, those who are prone to dissociation or psychosis, or anyone who is not comfortable with or open to the idea of hypnosis and past life regression.

About me

I’ve always had a very inquisitive mind, choosing learning over making money, even though I studied business and had a fulfilling career in the corporate world. My studies, jobs, and love for travel have taken me around the world and my life had more or less the usual highs and lows. But then, about seven years ago, everything shifted. It felt like my world turned upside down, and I had to find myself all over again. Through lots of soul-searching and a never-give-up attitude, I stumbled upon QHHT® among other amazing healing modalities that helped me find my way back to my inner light. It wasn’t easy, and at times, it felt like I was in a dark tunnel with no end in sight. But thanks to those healing practices, I found my way out of survival mode and into a place of serenity, connection and deep understanding of my life‘s purpose.

And helping others on their own life‘s journey is exactly what I’m here to do, holding space for this deeply personal and transformative experience. I strongly believe that there are people who were not sent to us by accident, but instead, destined to open a doorway to a different version of your life. I hope I can be that person for you.

and other Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect in a QHHT® Session